Stravinsky’s ballet Свадебка, more widely known by its French title, Les Noces, premiered in 1923. There’s a lot of good stuff on its (Wikipedia page), including the fact that Stravinsky wrote the libretto himself, using material from a book published in 1911 by a certain Kireevsky. The Russian Wikipedia page for Киреевский has a link to a book called Песни, собранные П. В. Киреевским (Новая серия), published in 1911. As the title indicates, the book wasn’t published by Kireevsky himself; in fact, he died in 1856. In any case, the book is hosted by the Russian State Library, and it can be found here.

This is clearly the book Stravinsy used. The verses that open the ballet can be found in page 128 (221), preceded by a short introduction and two additional verses:

Поется, когда женихъ пріѣдетъ за невѣстой, чтобы ѣхать къ вѣнцу. Въ это время невѣстѣ чешутъ голову.

Не во трубушки трубятъ по зарѣ,—
Свѣтъ Марьюшка плачетъ по русой косѣ:
„Коса ль моя, косынька русая!
Вечоръ тебя косыньку матушка плела,
Серебрянымъ колечкомъ матушка вила.
Пріѣхала свашенька не милостива,
Что не милостива и не жалостива,
Начала косыньку и рвать и щипать,
И рвать и щипать, не двѣ заплетать.

I wonder if he took it all from there. If he changed a lot.